Lined Up for Lunch

Last Thursday on our trip back north to Minnesota from Florida we made a brief stop at St. Augustine Beach and walked out on the pier. I loved how the birds were lined up on the rails of the pier. There were also seagulls circling and landing on the rails as we watched. It was so relaxing observing the birds in flight, surfers on the crashing waves and winds gently blowing with the sun shining warmly on our faces. It was definitely hard to leave behind but will draw us back again with fond memories.

8 Responses to “Lined Up for Lunch”

  1. Awesome photo. Glad that you got to meet so many fine feathered friends.

    Florida is for the birds:

    Florida Is For The Birds

  2. Thanks for the link to your post about Florida birds. It was so much fun to see them in their habitats rather than a zoo. Such variety!

  3. I miss the beach, the pelicans, the gently rolling waves. I’ve not been to St. Augustine, but I’ve heard a lot about it. Beautiful photo of the lunch lineup. How cute! Blessings to you, Jeanne…

    • It was so much fun seeing all the different birds in Florida. What struck me as interesting was the overall size of the birds that I watched. They were so much bigger that the birds I watch in Minnesota. We have large birds here but I don’t think as many large varieties. Blessings Carol!

  4. Oh that is so cute! I adore birds.

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